Dennis M Hope..Owner of the moon..

Dennis M. Hope is an American man who did just that and is now planet overlord of the moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Io (one of Jupiter's moons). Dennis happened to be broke when he started collecting planets and worked out a way to monetize his new hobby: claim legal ownership via the UN, subdivide his extraterrestrial land and sell it off in chunks. It's probably about the best business model I've ever heard of (besides Ponzi schemes, obviously—those things are golden), which may be why Dennis has been able to use the celestial-property game as his sole source of income since 1995.
Geran tanah di bulan milik bapa penulis..

Kita ikuti soal jawap penulis bersama Dennis..
VICE: How did you end up owning and selling off chunks of the moon?
Dennis M. Hope: I started in 1980 when I was going through a divorce. I was out of money and thought maybe I could make some if I owned some property, then I looked out the window, saw the moon, and thought, Hey, there's a load of property! So I went to the library, looked up the 1968 Outer Space Treaty and, sure enough, Article 2 states: "No nation by appropriation shall have sovereignty or control over any of the satellite bodies." Meaning it was unowned land.
Dennis bersama peta bulan..yg berwarna merah adalah lot tanah yg telah dijual..

VICE : To be honest, I didn't even know what that was until I googled it just now. So how big is a plot of land and how much does it cost? Is it relatively affordable?
Dennis : The the smallest property you can purchase from us is one acre. The largest property we sell is what we call a "continent-size" piece of property at 5,332,740 acres, which costs $13,331,000. We haven’t sold any of those yet, but we’ve sold a lot of 1,800 and 2,000 acre parcels. We have 1,800 major corporations on the planet who have purchased property from us with specific intent, including the Hilton and Marriott hotel chains.
Surat black and white yg anda akan dapat setelah berjaya menjadi pembeli lot tanah di bulan..

Vice : Who's buying this land?
Dennis : Everybody. Our youngest owner was a newborn in Germany, and our oldest is 97. We have politicians from around the world who are property owners, including three former presidents of the United States—Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. They didn’t buy the properties themselves —Carter and Reagan’s aides bought theirs, and a customer bought it for George W. Bush. We have customers in 193 countries on this planet, and we’re better known than the International Astronomical Union.